On November 8, according to the schedule of the program, within the framework of the project ”BRIDGES OF TRADE” as a Project Partner 3 (Armenia) the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Armenia with “Eventcenter” company had organized 2-days event called “BRIDGES” where sellers from its region met buyers from the other partners’ regions to discuss and identify the potential for their collaboration․
The main goal of the “BRIDGES” event is to investigate the potential of cooperation between sellers and buyers for transnational trading links to be established and transactions to commence.
In the welcome speech, Karen Ivanov, the president of the “Event Center” company, presented the mission and course of the project.
Vladimir Amiryan, operational director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Armenia, emphasized the importance of the internationalization of SMEs, especially the support of the European Union in the countries of the Black Sea Basin the importance of bringing structures closer together.
Karen Azaryan, the representative of the European Union in the Republic of Armenia, presented the initiatives implemented by the European Union delegation, which really act as a trade bridge.
At the end of event the participants of the meeting filled questionnaires for the assessment of the results, then discussed and revealed the potential of their cooperation and the importance of jointly implementing it.
Such events contribute to the establishment of direct mutually beneficial cooperation in production and trade between the businessmen of the regions.
Last Update
This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union.
Its contents are the sole responsibility of the BRIDGES project partnership and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union․