Association of Cross-border Cooperation “Lower Danube Euroregion” (ACTEDJ) is the executive management structure of the “Lower Danube” Euroregion, entity founded in 1998 by public administration units from Romania (Tulcea, Braila and Galati County Councils), Republic of Moldova (Cahul and Cantemir Districts) and Ukraine (regional State Administration, Regional Council of Odessa and Reni District Council).
The main goal of ACTEDJ is to assist its members towards an enhanced economic development and cooperation in the area of common interest, promote business and entrepreneurship in the tourism, cultural, agri-business and other sectors being underlined as a priority in the region and an objective assumed by the organization.
The Association team comprises certified project managers and trainers in the area of project management, sustainable development – economic and strategic planning and eco-efficiency.
ACTEDJ motto is “transforming challenges into opportunities” by capitalizing its members experience in implementing successful projects, backed up by the ACTEDJ team expertise and with the support of its 9 interdisciplinary and multicultural Specialty Commissions.
This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union.
Its contents are the sole responsibility of the BRIDGES project partnership and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union․