Bridges of Trade project: Second Steering Committee Meeting

On September 9, 2021 the Second Steering Committee meeting has been held in the framework of the Project “BRIDGES OF TRADE” Project (with acronym BRIDGES), Grant Contract BSB861 / 08.04.2020 financed under the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2021.

The joint project is aimed at bridging of the gap between buyers and sellers in agriculture and connected sectors in five EU countries. The main project overall objectives are developing of TRADING BRIDGES NETWORK, implementing of SME trainings of entreprises and organization of BRIDGE events. The beneficiaries under the project are Municipality of Nestos (GREECE), Association of Cross-Border Cooperation ”Lower Danube Euroregion” (ROMANIA), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Armenia (ARMENIA), City hall of Balti Municipality (MOLDOVA), and Catalca District Governorate (TURKEY).

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Armenia (ARMENIA) | was the host of the Second Steering Committee meeting, with the participation of representatives from all Project Beneficiaries who are non-governmental organizations and regional public bodies. The project is expected to have perennial and multiplier effect in agricultural and connected sectors and to expand trading links established by ensuring sustainability, transferability and multiplier effect.

During the meeting implementation progress by Partners has been discussed such as Studies of International Trade of Agricultural and Connected Products together with potential beneficiary company identification. Partners made studies in order to identify subsectors/products with potential to facilitate business links and trade between beneficiary Countries. Detailed information is available of website.

Next activities will follow in coming months, including recruitment of potential beneficiary companies and trainings (40 companies from each partner country) of seller companies for getting prepared to the B2B event (Bridges events) which is planned to be organized in 2022 year.



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